Start of a New Beginning !

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:internship

Start of a new Beginning

I still not believe, that I have completed my two months internship with Berlin Forum of Religious by surviving in -10 temperature, away from wife and kids with lots of traveling and meetings. I believe this would not be the end of my journey with Ifa and Berlin Forum of Religions but would be a new beginning for Youth Development Foundation partnership with German civil society and peacebuilding movements. I would like to Say Thanks, to Ms.Ranjeet, Dr.Gerdi and particularly Dr.Michael Baumer for making things easy for me, introducing Chilli Con Carne and connecting me with lots of organizations, media, and important people. I looking forward to be in touch with Berlin Forum of Religions and hope can develop some synergy in coming future. Vielen Dank Tschüss !!!